If you have multiple announcements, please submit each one individually.
Note: All announcements received before noon on Thursday will be included in the following Monday's Mountie Minute email newsletter. Any announcement received after noon on Thursday will be including in the next week's Mountie Minute.
It is important to ensure that the following fields are as informative as possible. Make sure your headline conveys what your announcement is about in a clear, concise way. If you choose not to include an exceprt for your announcement, the site will automatically pull one from the beginning of the announcement content. Make sure that the most important information of your announcement appears first.
Make sure your announcement content includes:
Note: You may include a flier for your event in your announcement, however, your announcement cannot only be a flier. Also note that if your flier is square or horizontal, only a section of it will appear on the Stables home page.
Note: Please include any links, etc. you may want to include, such as a registration form, a flyer, a social media post, etc.
If you are hyperlinking to an item such as a flyer or document, you must upload it to your Google Drive and change the sharing permissions so that anyone can view the document. If you are unsure of how to do this, you can follow these instructions.
Enter the destination URL
Or link to existing content